Jul 25, 2009

Got my first labs

My surgery was February 4th, 2009. I was in the hospital intermittently for three months post op because of complications.

I've just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and was told that anemia often goes with. I'm newly menopausal (last period was Dec. 2008) and that stems some blood loss.

WBC 6.9
RBC 4.84
Hgb 11.9 low (normal is 12.0-16.0, so I'm almost normal. This is great for me. I was eight point something in the hospital and needed transfusions)
Hct 37.4
MCV 77.2 (normal 80-96)
MCH 24.5 (normal 28-34)
MCHC 31.7 (normal 32-360
RDW 18.8 (normal 11.5-14.8)
All the white blood cells are normal and
Platelets 232

Vitamin B12 637 normal
Folate 25.3 high (normal is 2-20)

TIBC/Iron tests pending

A1C was 5.9! Goodbye diabetes!

BUN 6 low (normal 9-23)
Potassium 3.1 low (normal 3.3-5.5)

Everything else on the panel was normal including calcium, protein and albumin.

I get more tests in three months.