Oct 30, 2009


I hardly ever visit here.  I'm still depressed over my DS.  Looking at the bright side (and I realize there is one) isn't working right now.  Weight is still holding the same.  I'm not eating much...but life is rushing like a river and I'm not paying much attention or trying to diet.

I take my supplements and have an appt with the surgeon next week where I'll get more labs done.

The lady who had a bad time with the potato chowder recipe...I'm sincerely sorry if I left anything out.  I made it and it was good, but it is possible I screwed up with the recipe writing.  I'm new at this and will stick to real recipes from elsewhere that I've tried out and liked rather than attempting to transcribe my own concoctions.


dina said...

If you ever want to talk - I'm here, okay?

One thing I gotta tell you, though - is you're still less than a year post-op! It's not over!

In fact, you've lost 70% of your excess weight in just 9 months - that's AWESOME.

I know DS'ers - also revision post-ops - who have lost slowly and steadily for up to THREE YEARS. You can lose the additional 30 pounds - I believe that wholeheartedly. I can give you some insider tips, etc. if you'd like, okay?

Hang in there - you're really doing great! Seriously! I know it doesn't feel that way to you right now - but it's true.

I'm here if you ever need to talk, okay? dinacmcb@comcast.net

Monica said...
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