Oct 14, 2009

Low vitamin D

It's 18.  Normal is 30-80.  My rheumatologist checked it.  I don't see my surgeon for several weeks.  The rheumy told me to add 2000IU of D, but I added 4000...in addition to what I usually get, that's 5800IU a day.  I hope that's enough. 

On the good side, everything else was normal, including my iron which was up.   And my diabetes is apparently gone.  A1C was 5.5!  Three months ago it was 5.9, so it's on a downward trend. 


dina said...

Let's talk about your labs, when you get some time, okay?

Your doc is not so up on what it takes to correct a malabsorber's D level, unfortunately.

If you email me, I'd be happy to give you a hand, okay?

Monica said...
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