Sep 11, 2009

Basic vitamin regime on the cheap

I'm on Medicare due to disability.  I'm poor.  Another women in my boat wrote in at the duodenal switch lists asking for advice on how to pay for her vitamin supplements since Medicare doesn't pick up this cost.

I wrote her back privately...this is what I do

I can get the basics shipped to my door for approx $20 a month.

I ordered the multivitamins with ADEK from Baratric Advantage at first, but they are too expensive and unnecessary.  I bought cheaper multivitamins from Vitalady 180 caps (her private label) for around $35 which will last me three months.  I'm going to go with the cheapest generic ones when I run out.

I don't take the ADEKs my doctor's office showed me.  They are too expensive at $40 a bottle for 60, not even a month's supply at 3 a day.  The doc said they weren't necessary either.  It's best to add what you need based on your lab tests.  If you need extra vitamins, your lab tests will show it.
You can order what you need at Amazon, cheap, and utilize their free shipping for orders over $25.  I always buy enough at once to get their free shipping.

Ferro sequels from Amazon.  100 tablets at 1 a day will last appros 3 months. I love these because they are good to my tummy and non constipating. $7/mo

Citracal calcium citrate with D 180 tablets at three a day will last two months. I do like the chewable and lozenges, but these are cheaper. They have no taste, like chalk. I just chew 'em and chase it with a beverage. $7.50/mo

Centrum multivitamin You get 250 which at 2/day will last approx 4 months. Big pills, I break them into half. $5/mo

(Don't always go with the best price. If it's just a dollar or so more, the ones that qualify for free shipping are worth it)