Aug 11, 2009

Not losing weight

I've been stalled at around 213 pounds for at least a month.

It's time to get real. The first thing to do is to record every morsel I put in my mouth. I'll use Not that anybody visits, but I'll also write my food diary here to keep it honest.

With the DS, I can eat fat since I only digest 20% of it. I have to keep my protein intake high, as it's crucial and I only digest 50% of it. carbohydrates are the nutrients to watch. I hear whole grains and whole vegetable starches such as potatoes aren't bad, but refined and simple carbs such as white flour and sugar are the killers. I digest 60-80% of carbs, 90-100% of sugars.

I haven't been eating candy or cookies, but sandwiches and crackers have snuck into my diet, in what I thought were moderate amounts. They'll have to go. I'll keep modest amounts of potato in and maybe a little whole grain and monitor how it affects me.

I haven't had a lot of gas, but I notice it's increasing. Not enough to bother me terribly...but I see if cutting back on the carb makes any difference.

Here goes.